Guardians of Essentially Men
As a not-for-profit organisation, we are reliant on donations and grants. Any donations we receive assist us to be able to support men who are not able to pay the course fees in full.
Our vision is to build a self-sustainable cash-flow that is less reliant on the a dozen or so funding agencies to safeguard our work into the future. We invite you to join the Guardians of Essentially Men – the “grassroots philanthropists” who are maintaining the ‘Well’ of Essentially Men by making the commitment of a regular donation to support our work.
Our vision equates to approximately 155 weekly donations of $10. These donations are fully tax deductible meaning that what costs you just $6-7 is worth $10 to Essentially Men! If this isn’t the right thing for you, you are alternatively invited to make a once-off donation.
We have 2 campaigns you can choose from:-
Partner the Vision – Annual target $50,000 – help us grow our work with men, and outreach to more men (currently receiving $18,000 pa). We are looking at adding some new workshops in 2013 and exploring how we could extend our leadership and community development, services and programmes to neighbouring communities.
Walk Alongside a Man – Annual target $20,000 – help sponsor men to attend an EM workshop – this helps us to match actual costs of marketing and supporting the courses to run and continue to offer course fees on a sliding scale.